843.492.5422 Locations

Traffic is Picking Up! Don’t Add Insult to Injury.

It’s that time of year again…the tourists are in town and traffic is picking up! There are so many things to watch out for; motorcyclists, people on their phones, people from out-of-town who aren’t sure how to get where they’re going, teen drivers, senior drivers, people under the influence, tractor-trailers, etc. The list goes on and on! We hope that you never end up in an accident but, if for some reason you do, we handle everything from minor injuries to wrongful death. The attorneys at Grand Strand Law are the ones you need to call!

If that worst case scenario happens and you do get in an automobile accident, some factors could arise. For one, you may not be able to work. This will likely add stress to whatever painful predicament you are already in, as you wonder how you are going to pay hospital bills on top of monthly expenses. The next thing to worry about is how to deal with the insurance company. Insurance companies will usually try to bully you into paying more than you should have to, so they don’t have to pay out. Luckily, we know the ins and outs of dealing with insurance companies and how to negotiate to get you the fairest settlement. We help you recover lost wages and income, payment of medical bills and compensation for physical pain and suffering. If we cannot reach a fair settlement, then we are fully prepared to litigate an injury case on your behalf.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call because you don’t want to “add insult to injury”, by adding more bills to your collection. We will evaluate your claim for free and then, if we decide that you have a case that we can assist you in pursuing, we won’t ask for payment until you get paid. In other words, we are paid on a contingency fee basis in automobile accidents. This way you do not have the added stress of worrying about how to pay our bills.

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