Living Wills: What Are The Benefits?
In today’s society, it’s always best to be prepared for the unexpected. Growing in popularity and also called a Declaration of a Desire for a Natural Death, a living will protects your right to a natural death in the event of a permanent unconsciousness or a terminal illness. This is important because having a living will allows you to appoint someone that can enforce your wishes listed on the document and often supplements the Health Care Power of Attorney and can be a useful tool in the event tube feeding becomes necessary during hospitalization. That’s why our legal team here at Grand Strand Law Group in Myrtle Beach has come up with a few reasons why living wills are beneficial.
Refuse Treatment
As an American citizen, you have the right to refuse any treatment. Whether it’s for religious reasons or you just don’t want a feeding tube, a living will ensures you’re treated the way you wish.
Know Your Outcomes
Whether you’re injured in an accident or fall ill with a terminal illness, a living will leaves no guessing to the outcome because you’ve specified it.
Make Things Easier On Family
Having your wishes listed out in a living will helps make things easier for your family because you’ve limited their options so the decisions won’t be that hard.
Avoid Family Stress
The hospitalization and death of a family member can have lasting effects on the family. Having a living will reduces the stress and unknown of how to handle your passing and will reduce the likelihood of family arguments.
Eliminate Financial Responsibility
Long-term hospital care can sometimes leave families in a world of debt. By having a living will, you can eliminate financial stress by choosing your treatment.
While these are only a few reasons why you should have a living will, we believe living wills can benefit an entire family. If you’d like to learn more about living wills or have a question or concern, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’re here to help!